April 17, 2013

Update: A gag that never gets old

I'm telling you, they're on a farm.


coachsullivan said...

Good heavens...

PHSChemGuy said...

See, 'cause he parents just went to the farm where wealthy parents go.

They still send him emails.

Anonymous said...

I think we know who to blame: Alfred!

PHSChemGuy said...

Have you read _Whatever Happened to the Dark Knight?_ and seen how Alfred takes care of Bruce in that one?

Anonymous said...

I have not read that one, but I've now requested it from the library. Looks interesting.

PHSChemGuy said...

It's really touching. It's short - only two issues - so the trade is fluffed with some other Gaimen-written Batman issues, but the main content is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Yes, read it from the library. A little bit crazy, but you'd have to be to dress as a bat and fight crime.