February 26, 2006

Mom says eat your veggies...

There are two sides to this story here...on one hand, I see good things in parents being able to help guide their children's eating habits...on the other hand, what will happen to the junk food industry's massive hold on the school market?...

And if you haven't seen Super Size Me yet, check out the DVD...


calencoriel said...

or...you could pack your children's lunches and make sure they're only getting what you want to give them that way...b/c even if they appear to be eating well by the title of the foods on the lunch menu, you have no idea how the food was prepared or how much it was processed before it went to the school cafeteria...unless preparation methods and nutritional values of school lunches are going to be published along with the menu you've no idea how much sodium or sugar is hiding in the supposedly good food they're being served. To toot my own horn a bit...I do pack lunches for my children each evening for the next day and make sure their sandwiches are made with whole wheat, that they get servings of veggies and fruits and dairy each day. Then, on Friday, I let them get pizza...it's a pain in the butt most of the time...but I like the control...and it's kinda my responsibility...I had the kids...not the schools...I should make sure they're being fed properly...as well as all the other stuff parents are supposed to take care of...

PHSChemGuy said...

what a radical concept...parents packing kids' lunches...I'll admit that elementary lunches were parent-packed for a very short time...I was mostly a buy-your-lunch kind of kid...and once junior high came online with its bevy of sugary snacks, I was done for...

PHSChemGuy said...

Especially the poppin chocolate with the pop rocks mixed in?