- Let Teddy Win - Apparently the Nats will have a fifth racing president next year.
- Chris Sims went to the Waffle House - The things he overheard are a bit
- Nose Jobs - Interesting pic of Steve Jobs.
- The Pogues "Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah" - How did I miss this gem?
- At the public library: Blind date with a book - I like the idea of choosing a book sight unseen.
- Sometimes you're 23... - Great quote from Katydid's tumblr
- Patrick Stewart in a ball pit - The joy here is palpable.
- Hamilton teacher no longer allowed to award students 100% - It's not Hamilton, OH. It's Hamilton, ON. "I think we need more meddling in the classroom," he said sarcastically.
(embed removed because of autoplay)
- Review: Dinastia Latina - Ate dinner here Friday and was impressed. It's a tiny place, but it's a great, cheap meal.
- Frozen Ohio River - It's been a few years, and I fear we may never see it again.
- Secrets of The Shining - No matter how much work you put in, crazy is still crazy.
- Catching a monster wave in Portugal - Holy crap...
- Please kill me - This is a kids thing, right? Right?
- April in January - The part about Nowata, Oklahoma - a 110 degree temperature change in seven days time - is odd, to say the least.
- Attack the Block - Gots to love dogs and car windows
- Don't ask me to explain - Gots to love Wegman
- Light-hearted - I know that CGI lets us do amazing stuff, but amazing stuff was being done before, too.
- The quest to find the best $1 fast food burger - unshockingly, bacon wins
- Gemma Arterton and Saoirse Ronan are living as vampires... - I'd watch this.
- Sad Pennywise - Not nearly as scary as regular Pennywise
- 20 things that happened on the internet in 2012 - I can only identify two or three
- Paperman - Wonderfully told tale
- The most depressing nail polish colors of all time - I understand that coming up with names has to be rupetitive, but these seem in odd taste.
- "Call Me Maybe" on bottles - Ah, sometimes the old tech is the best tech.
- So...is it The Beatles or the Beatles? - Minutia is an outstanding source of arguments.
- Isolated for 40 years in the Taiga - I posted a video a whole back, but is this really the source of Mama?
- Eyes on the Stars - finally a StoryCorps that didn't make me ball my eyes out
- This time-travel video starring Robert Downey Jr will blow your mind - It's a car commercial, but it's a short film worth watching. Seriously, it's twelve minutes you will not regret.
- Tennessee Vols cash strapped but not alone - I don't see how most universities keep their sports programs afloat.
- "...it's always February 2nd, and there's nothing I can do about it."
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