March 4, 2011

Covers of Bob Dylan songs

Who knew there would be so many resources to find these?

I don't have the audio for this one, so I couldn't include it on the playlist.  I do, however, have the willingness to pander to my readers' weakspots.


Katydid said...

At least that pandering produces a link: with "Girl from North Country."

PHSChemGuy said...

You and your private blog rock...

WV: formhwom - Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for Ernest Hemingway's dyslexic brother, Sterne.

Katydid said...

The private blog thing is a story for another day, sweet jeebus.

PHSChemGuy said...

There'll be a question asked, but I understand that you'll tell when you can and as much as you can or need to.