- Here's 'How to Fight a Baby,' the Citizen Kane of internet outrage videos - funny stuff
- Proper & improper handshakes for your next business meeting - I know how to shake hands thanks to Lee Hamilton's advice from decades ago.
- A Horrid Coincindence - wow...that's very odd and tragic
- The best trolling advice to a homophobic parent - Thank you, Dear Amy
- Kid President gives us 20 things we should say more often - agreed on all counts
- Burning stuff with solar power - wow...wow...wow...I want one...
- Samsung PN51F8500 - The Girl and I got a new TV for Thanksgiving & Christmas.
- Harry Potter ornament - I could make that, but I wouldn't've come up with it.
- A spinning ice disk forms on a river - very cool...literally...
- Caution: dead whale contents under pressure - The website's title is
, and the video is disgusting. Enjoy!
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