Sure, the original video rocks, absofriggin' rocks. We all know that. And there's a longer version that's, admittedly entirely clean (check YouTube for it if you wanna see it - it's got dirty words, so I won't be linking to it).
Since that summer blast of 2003, there have been an absolute rash of "Hey Ya!"-themed goodness.
For example, there's the great cover from Debrah Messing from Will & Grace, a cool lip synching version from four dorky guys, a video of the Peanuts gang rockin' out to "Hey Ya!", and - sadly - there have been a few crappy covers.
This past month, however, I got a chance to catch the most amazing cover of "Hey Ya!" by Mat Weddle. He's apparently part of a duo called Obadiah Parker who also covered the song. The dio version isn't as cool as the Weddle solo, but it still ain't bad.
And nearly everybody loves "Hey Ya!".
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