Doesn't really matter much what that it is, but I'm probably willing to try it. (Note: But not the insects in lollipops that a few students gave me a few years ago. Those I chucked without trying, I'll be honest.) And $1.99 qualifies as cheap - especially when it ends up ringing up as $1.49.
Heck, yeah, I'm there.
Thanks to my local Target store, I got a chance to try Jones Soda's Candy Corn soda in four cute eight-ounce cans. I'll admit it that the taste is way better as a novelty than it is as a real drink, but for $1.49 I've got no real reason to crab.
the first taste isn't bad - if you can get past the radioactive urine coloring of the drink to actually taste it. It's a simple carmel taste that's about right for candy corn, but the cloyingly strong taste starts to get worse and worse with each taste. I can't recommend this as anything more than novelty, but thankfully, I have a hundred students that I see every day who would probably enjoy the chance to taste this nastiness.
Check a couple of other reviews - from x-entertainment and i-mockery - if you need to know more.
In short, they're no holiday pack, and I'm still desperate to try the pumpkin pie soda. Anybody got one of those hanging around?
Give it a couple more weeks there, chemguy...soon the aisles of your local supermarket will be teeming with pumpkin pie soda...afterall, the pumpkin ice cream is already available at The Cone and I'm pretty sure I saw the Velvet brand pumpkin pie ice cream at the Jungle last week...with real chunks of pie crust...mmmmmm, pie crust....
Yeah... I don't quite know what would posses you to try Candy corn flavored drinks, but hey it was cheap. As for the pumpkin flavored treats coming into stores, I can't wait to see how many people buy it from where I work, since, if I'm not mistaken, Blue Ash is full of rich people with expensive taste. As for pie crust going in them..*gag*, don't want to know what they taste like.
I just submitted about seven comments on your anime and rock zone site. have fun deleting them and candy corn makes me gag.
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