April 29, 2006

Pain and suffering...

Ah, a birthday celebration...near-perfect steaks, baked sweet potatoes, green beans, sauteed mushrooms and onions, homemade tiramisu...all followed with a viewing of a movie that I've been wanting to see for most of the past year or so...

If only the movie hadn't been horrible...miserable...no fun at all...obvious...thin on character...episodic...just absolutely painful to watch...so bad we had to give up after an hour...I finished it this morning and saw no more value by the end than I did at the beginning...

Please, do yourself a favor and stay away from Match Point. What I really don't understand is how so many critics gave it great reviews. In the entire two hours of the film, there's about thirty seconds of enjoyment - one simple flirtatious scene - and the rest is pain and suffering...miserable crap which apparently fooled critics because it's an almost average movie compared to Woody Allen's other recent stuff (nothing good since 1999's Sweet and Lowdown).

This movie looks great the same way that fat people look thin when hanging around with fatter people.

It's still a ham-handed piece of crap.

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