April 23, 2006

Reduce, reuse, recyle...even holidays...

Sorry, I was out of town for most of yesterday (big day at the race track) and didn't get a chance to properly celebrate Earth Day, so today is honorary Earth Day here at IDTMI.

First, a bit of speechifying before the links. My general view is that change is inevitable. The world as it is isn't the world as it was. That's life and the effects of life. We shouldn't automatically assume that the world is currently worse off than it ever was because it isn't. By the same token, though, we shouldn't assume that things will automatically get better without us working toward that goal.

So, take a little bit of time and do thing - even small things - to make sure that the tomorrows aren't worse than today.So, do us all a favor and do what you can to be a better world citizen. Start small if you need to and replace your incandescent lights with compact fluorescents or even LEDs. Reduce your water usage just a little bit here and there.

All in all, just be aware of the issues and do what you can to be environmentally conscious.

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