November 2, 2007

I'm confused

What's the deal with Martina Hingis?

She's a coke head?

Where'd that come from?


calencoriel said...

I know a limmerick about Martina Hingis..

PHSChemGuy said...

For the life of me, I can't find one...I've searched Google with the keywords hingis and limerick...

I can guess as to one of the rhymes, but do share the limerick off-blog, Calen...

verification: yxjpksx

The ugliest word in the English language.

achilles3 said...

I have always that she was sooooooooooooooo hot. Like most people were diggin other tennis hotties and I was all like "I heart Martina."
I still heart Martina

verification- axrbrxk
more "real" words should have two x s

calencoriel said...

Oh, it's an off-blog limmerick for certain...and your rhyme guess is most likely correct...

verification: snlipszj

That stuff that accumulates on the corners of your mouth while you sleep

PHSChemGuy said...

There are pictures here and there, Lakes, where I'd agree with you. Others where she's not so attractive. Bit of a mystery to me.

I look forward to hearing the limerick sometime, Calen...

achilles3 said...

yeah I think that's why I like her...hell there are pics where I look good too! haha

I think the three of us should start a new blog called verfication dictionary where we make these into real words.

I think we would be rich. And powerful. And popular.

verification- rpzfeb
The pez dispenser good only in february.

PHSChemGuy said...

I would totally read a word verification blog...