May 4, 2006

The agony of dismemberment...

There is a horribly sick fascination that many of us have with seeing something bad happen to someone else. We watch America's Funniest Home Videos where the father gets hit in the crotch with a baseball bat, the kid runs through the plate glass door, and a cat falls forty feet into a bald man's head. Then we flip through the channels searching for Fox's Worst Sports Injuries of All Time.

I don't know whether to label these actions as sick and wrong - reveling in someone else's misfortune and pain - or to say that it is simply our way of thanking the gods for not doing it to us - putting out already-made human sacrifices up so that we don't have to have them happen to us.

Either way, here's a list of some that I found while doing a bit of researching for this topic...

Be warned, however, that none of these are for the squeemish...Why are these so fascinating?

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