June 1, 2006

Pat Robertson is full of safflower oil...

Pat Robertson can leg press a ton.

I don't mean that he can leg press a metaphorical ton, as in a whole lot.

No, I mean he can supposedly leg press a full ton. It's the magic of his miracle shake recipie (which I admittedly stole from his website - thank you for registering jjjjohnson). There's a bunch of bullpucky in there about flaxseed, whey, strawberries, glutamine, MSM (?), soy lecithin, vinegar, and some other stuff. It's pretty much a standard I'm a weightlifter with no neck crap, but according the Patty's 700 Club website (video of a significantly less impressive feat included, by the way).

Sure, there are a couple of websites that at least cast aspersions on the veracity of the stunt, possibly because there are real freaky feats of strength out there. But who cares?

This is a man who has said a number of totally crackpot things, absolutely kooky statements. The man is totally nuts, but of course I'm all ready to take nutrition advice from him.

Does anybody know where I can buy some biblically-aproved glutamine?


calencoriel said...

That's the power of gawd...

PHSChemGuy said...

I do beleeeeve!

Can I get an AMEN?