Wow, wow, wow. I'm amazed at what people will take take the time to work through and post on the web.
Today's amazing use of bandwidth is a site that gives (and provides evidence for) the religious affilitions of comic book characters.
And it's not just the simple ones - Wonder Woman believes in the Greek Gods, for example; Ben Grimm's Jewish; Zauriel (the angel) is Christian). No, they go into exactly which denomination each hero is - from the complicated (Dr. Druid from Marvel Comics is believes in "Tibetan buddhism/Iamaism; Celtic Druidism".) And they provide tons of evidence for each one with the most deailed probably being the big ones (Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, but they're totally stumped with Plastic Man.)
Some of the predictions are a littler easier than others, of course.
And freakishly, when searching for pictures to post next to this blog entry, I found a company that can make you your very own superhero costume if you wanna drop a few bucks. Be warned, however, that's it's just a quick hop and jump from a superhero costume to a fetish costume. luckily the website's G rated.
There are other other Quailmen out there.
After looking at chemguy's links first, I was surprised to see the interpretation of the thing over Doug's head become a feather, when everyone knows that it is Doug's belt on his head...thanks for the correct Quailman interpretation, ruff ryder...
oh, and thanks to you both for sticking that crappy theme song in my head do do do do do do do do do do...
Ah, the Doug theme...
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