I never would have suspected these charges to be levied against him. They're a pretty damning list involving drug trafficking (writing unauthorized prescriptions), child corruption, sexual contact with a child, and many others.
I recognize that a list of accusations - charges at this point - is far from a list of crimes, and I certainly hope that this doctor is innocent - both for his sake and for the sake of whoever the victim happens to be. If the charges turn out to baseless, the mere stink of the charges will stain him for a long time. If, instead, they turn out to be true, then I won't be seeing him for a very long time.
I haven't the foggiest idea how to deal with this information. I'm tempted to call our mutual friend through whom I met the Dr., but I don't know what I would say.
Don't know where I'm going with this post. Just wanted to say that the story, the reporting creeps me out here.
This is far worse than the charges against my (former) Nursing adviser but I know the feeling...it's just weird to know you've spoken to - even trusted - someone capable of such a thing.
That's pretty much the feeling, Emily. This was just a guy I'd spoken to, but to know that for pretty much the whole time I've known the man he was being investigated for this - and that there was a often a police officer in the same social circle with us - is just really creepy.
CommonMan - welcome...didn't know you were lurking around here. Did you know Mark well at all or was he just a guy in high school with you?
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