Today, Dr. Science...
The good doctor can be found on NPR radio every couple of days answering listener mail and doling out science knowledge that certainly isn't exactly what I remember from my time learning science.
Of course, as his website tells, the good Doctor knows more than you do. He does, after all, have a masters degree...in science.
You can get a couple of the Doctor's answers on that same website.
You can also check the transcript to one of the Doctor's answers here.
Supposedly Dr. Science's real name isn't actually Dr. Science, but I don't believe those spurious claims.
And it appears that some people don't care for Dr. Science - hard as that may be to believe.
Admittedly, Dr. Science probably isn't the greatest media scientist, but he may be the most entertaining. We've still got Beakman, Bill Nye, and Dr. Heard coming. If anybody else can suggest a few others, I'll take care of those, too.
Lee Merrick
Steve Spangler
They've made appearances on Letterman and local news shows...
...and I know who they are...so, that should be enough
He looks like you in that image:-)
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret here. Dr. Science once admitted this to me privately: I'm his idol.
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