August 13, 2005

A second post ('cause I missed yesterday)...

Please note that I am doing nothing here more than posting a couple of links to news stories that could be entirely untrue and possibly even libelous. I have to say that in advance since two of the links are pointing to stories posted by FoxNews.

But, at least one of their "writers" is claiming that it's possible that Katie Holmes, pictured at left, may have been brainwashed into "loving" Tom Cruise. Please note that I have absolutely no reason to believe this in any way, form, or fashion other than the fact that the whole situation is just creepy and that I'd rather the brainwashing be true than the alternative.

So, here goes a good, healthy dose of muck raking and rumor mongering...And there you go, another fine example of blogs providing quality citizen journalism at its finest...

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