Just about every time I see something interesting on the internet.com, I bookmark it to be blogged at a later date. Lots of these links build up at the bottom of my favorites and never quite make their way back up to full blog post status. Every now and then I take a post and throw all the links out so I can clear my Favorites back down to a managable size. Today is such a post...
- Keith Olbermann's comment after the commuting of Libby'd sentence - I don't know that I've been more enraged about a President's decision than I was about this one, and Keith Olbermann's take is much more literate and less vulgar than mine would have been
- 20 Worst Cover Songs in Pop Music History - I particularly agree with #16, 12, 9, 8, & 3...but I actually kinda like #7.
- An analysis of the final scene of The Sopranos - I don't have cable and so am running about two years behind on The Sopranos, but I'll get around to seeing this one sometime...and then I'll love reading this hugely long article
- 100 Worst Cover Songs - too many to mention specifically here, though I categorically diasgree with #1's choice. Their arguments are sound and correct, but the cover was still phenomenal.
- The 100 Best Cover Songs - the flip side with special choices of mine: #100, 93, 84, 81, 79, 76, 72, 71, 66, 63, 62, 56, 53, 50!, 48, 47, 44-40, 38, 37, 35-32, 29!-25!, 22!-17!, 15-2.
- MWCToys.com - loads of cool action figure reviews
- CityBeat's take on the Creation Museum - that monstrosity is going to take up a full post sometime
- Wireless's online catalog - filled with loads of cool stuff for the NPR/literary friend of yours
- Sequart's new home - continuing as the most literate site about comics out there
- How to be charming - in case you needed to know
- Comparing San Fran to Cincy - using aerial photos to show what happens when you put the freeways by the water
- Surname distribution in the US - who knew Pennsylvania had the highest conentration of both Heckmans and Dusch's in 1990?
- Women's hoops in Russia - cool article from ESPN's eticket series
- Forget the film, watch the titles - the coolest title sequences in movie history
- The Big Waste of Space - don't really know what this site is all about, but they've got some cool programming going on
- GreenGadgets.com - neat little blog (better on content than on visual style) about appliances that can help you head in a green direction
- Wabash Magazine article about three of my frat bros - this deserves so much more than a passing mention in a list of links such as this...I'm so amazingly proud of all three of these guys
- Theresa'a portfolio - from my ITEC program up at KSU...I don't love all of this woman's work, but I absolutely love the design she uses for the homepage...my portfolio is here in case you were curious
- Family Friendly Podcasts - just what it promises...and with really poor site design
- Old River Control - the coolest engineering project in the US is this one keeping the Mississippi in its current channel...I had a huge post planned and just never got around to writing it...it would have included this article by Ed Marsten about John McPhee and this by McPhee himself
- Tracking shots - another long post I had planned was about the tracking shot from The Player and other films with great tracking shots
- Havidol - a drug for those of us who just don't have nearly enough stuff
- How to keep your iTunes library on an external hardrive - something I should get around to
- Librarian temprorary tattoos - for the rockin' librarian in your life
- Rolling Up Their Sleeves - national survey of what superintendents and principals think should be changed about our schools...I'd love to sit down and read this but haven't made the time yet
- Arbor Day Society membership - ten trees for $10...a wonderful deal that we should all take advantage of
- GirlsGoTech - site with the mission of getting more girls involved in technology careers
Ok, that feels a whole lot lighter, and I'm thinking that without all that flotsam, My Favorites will be running a little higher in the water. Hope you found something useful in all that detritus.
For your worst cover songs article I would have to agree with you that the Counting Crows song is pretty good.
For the best covers, with enthusiasm I would recomend 58, 53, 35, 33, and especially 25, 9, and 6. I also very much agreed with their views towards 70. I am so hurt that they left off my favorite cover of all time.... Call Me the Breeze by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
As an avid Sopranos fan, that article you posted convinced me that Tony died.
I also HIGHLY recomend the external hardrive route for itunes. It is amazing.
Thank you for reminding me of the abomination that is the Creation Museum...I now have to write about it on my own blog. Prepare for scathing remarks, religious nuts.
CMorin - I'd forgotten about the cover of "My Favorite Things"...I've got that on my iTunes and love it...
DanEcht - I haven't been over to the museum yet, but I'm hoping to work up the guts to call them and lie my way into a free entry (something about considering them as a field trip for school) so I can see the place, mock it from the inside, but not give them any of my cash.
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