January 25, 2006

It's been good to know you...

For Christmas - you know, the holiday for which I still haven't written my thank you notes - I got a plug-and-play Atari with like thirty games built in. Loads of fun, but as I told my wife, I'd be okay and wouldn't become obsessed because I wasn't an Atari kid when I grew up. If they came out with a a plug-and-play version of Sega hockey - my college obsession - however, I'd pretty much be done.

Well, folks, it's been good to know you...

Anybody know where Salvo is? Or Smack? Or Googs?

I'm gonna need some competition...

1 comment:

PHSChemGuy said...

A brief update...

I mentioned these to my wife, and she said to go ahead and buy 'em...apparently, I just ordered my Valentine's Day gift...

now I think I have to get her the greatest present ever bought for like $25 just to balance things out...
