After a couple of old standards, we got "Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress". Good stuff.
A couple of non-descript songs later, "Everything is Cool" by John Prine.
I still hadn't picked up on the theme.
It was two songs later when "Cool" from West Side Story was followed by "Three Cool Cats" and the "Cool Jerk".
Wait, I think I'm starting to get the theory here. It's cool songs - sort of a Jeopardy category kinda thing.
Then the DJ stops by - having not said a single word in the forty-plus minutes we'd been hanging with the station - drops a list of every single song and artist for the past hour and says that the next hour would be summer songs.
Wait, it's a DJ whose theme is that each hour has a non-genre theme?
He does three hour shows...every week?
From his personal collection of music?
It's like he's my frickin' hero.
And all of his shows are available in streaming format?
That's what I'm saying...sweet...
The "cool" hour was a weird mix of genres, but it worked for me. A few of the song-to-song switches were a little jarring, but a few were nearly perfect.
The "summer" hour was more successful, in my mind. One or two note-perfect fades from song to song.
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