Of course, knowing that it's being performed at the Edinburgh fringe festival might suggest otherwise.
Knowing further that the Henson folks are doing afternoon shows for kids and families and then evening shows that are a little less kid-friendly.
Kinda makes me think back to a great evening with the Madcap folks down at the Aronoff a few years back (check week five and October tenth for the little proof that I have of that evening ever having existed.)
Oh, and let me just mention how hard it was to find a decent picture to go with this post. Apparently searching for adult puppet or dirty puppet provides a lot of stuff that just isn't quite appropriate enough for me to post. Who woulda guessed?
In other exciting news, Comedy Central is going to be running Scrubs reruns every weekday evening at 7:00...
btw...in Comedy Central speak, weekday = Mon - Thurs
Ah well, if only I cable, that would be relevant to my life.
Scrubs - if anybody was curious - is IMHO the second-best sitcom on broadcast TV behind The Office and just ahead of Earl.
Avenue Q.... full puppet nudity :)
Sometimes you are actually at my house, which has cable, on weeknights at 7:00...so it is almost relevant to your life...which is why I shared
I've heard about Avenue Q and kind of wish I got a chance to see it. It sounds truly filthy and entertaining.
Yeah, spell it right, J-Ged...
And please notice that she said "sometimes"...far from being there every night...
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