White Castle? - yup, like them...
Tabasco? - yup, good with their stuff...
Hidden Valley? - I'm fine with them...not thrilled, but fine...and a little offended that apparently only Mom's will go to their website to print out coloring sheets for the wee tots...
And as you can tell from the picture, I'm clearly a fan of chicken rings, right?
So, when you throw all these things together into White Castle's new flavored chicken rings, there's gotta be a practically orgasmic explosion of flavor, right?
I'll be honest and say that I didn't try the ranch rings, but I went with the Tabasco rings at the recommendation of nice old lady behind the counter (as an aside, how sad is it to see an 80-year-old granny hocking slyders?). Let me just warn you that the Tabasco rings are freakin' hot. Loads and loads of some sort of firey powder coat the outside of the things. My lips were burning for a fair while, and I'm really glad that I had my trusty vanilla shake with me to stem the burning tide.
How ever could they make such a firey concoction, you might be asking? Well, luckily someone did some investigating for us and documented exactly how those firey tastes came to be.
A quick thanks to FastFoodFacts.info for helping me out to know that I had to taste the flavored chicken rings before the 19th - wait, I ate them on the 21st. Does that mean that I got past-dated rings? Oh, god, I'm gonna die...
FastFoodFacts.info also has some neat stories about
first quorn, now chicken bits formed into an unnatural shape and coated in so much firey flavor there is no way to actually taste anything chickeny...
you really don't care much what you eat, do you?
I happen to have a fairly adventurous pallete (sp?)...
It's like a continuum in which there's me at one end and people like Stevie-boy and his "No Veggie Zone" on the other end.
You gonna keep crabbing?
If you think making fun of my husband's abhorrence of vegetables is going to offend me, think again.
Somewhere in the continuum between each of your eating habits is the perfect man, I'm sure.
I am still annoyed your White Castle has Vanilla Shakes.
and strawberry, too...so tasty...
heck, Wendy's is going to have vanilla frosties soon...
clearly your Castle is in some sort of reverse evolution wormhole...
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