Oh, it's not like I carve time out of my life to see them on any sort of regular basis, but if I'm flipping around and come upon an episode, I'm probably going to hunker down and watch the full episode.
Thankfully I don't have cable.
A relevant quote from Bill Simmons's recent mailbag
Q: Let's see, in the past two months, you embraced soccer, created an Us Weekly fantasy league for women, were called a "hero" by Mark Cuban and complained about two American institutions: fantasy football and Vegas. What day is your surgical procedure that officially makes you a woman? I want to make sure I send you a card.
-- Bill Simmons, Los Angeles
SG: Just wanted to beat you guys to the punch.
Okay, so I got the reference and I have to say...ick!
ick, indeed...
but it's subtle, I think...
oh, it's very subtle...well played...
well played, clerks, well played...
nothing wrong with watching Gilmore Girls. Mom and I catch it about once a week together. the writing is good. Now if you start watching Lifetime when in town I am worrying
sure it's well-written, but I can feel the estrogen welling up in my body as each episode goes along...
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