August 22, 2006

Get out, you heathens

I've got Reuter's Oddly Enough News's RSS feed on my google homepage and tend to read about half of the stories. Most of them are fairly innocuous. But every now and again an actually semi-important story slips through and gets qualified as odd.

The recent story of an unwed couple of Black Jack, Missouri who are being threatened with eviction because they violate some sort of city statute that says no residence can have more than three unrelated (by marriage, blood, or adoption) people living there. The two adults (who have two children together) have filed a lawsuit against the municipality claiming discrimination.

Okay, I can understand how some people might want to keep their neighborhood the way it is, to keep unwanted influences out, but this really does sound like a pretty obvious form of discrimination. It's not really been all that long since there were cities that wouldn't allow blacks or hispanics to move into certain areas, and (in my view, at least) just about any discrimination is a bad thing.It sounds awfully noble, but it still stinks of discrimination. It's easy enough to say things like this with a wink and a nod when talking about not wanting "the wrong kinds of people 'round here". The problem is that to somebody, every one of us is "the wrong kind of people". Either we've not got enough money, we're too snooty, we're the wrong religion, our skin isn't the right color, or our family isn't enough like the "right kind of people".

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