Ok, loads of media to cover...let's roll through quickly...
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix - pretty good...special effects keep getting better...actors keep getting more proficient...loads of storylines excised for the virtue of the time constraints of the film...still nothing like the books - not nearly as good...two more coming, both of which I'm sure I'll end up seeing anyway...better than the first two...on par with the fourth...behind #3...
Breach - excellent film with Ryan Phillippe as a real-life undercover FBI agent hunting another FBI agent turned traitor...high drama...very tense...excellent acting from Chris Cooper & Laura Linney...surprisingly short film...
The Fountain - wow,
ciritical reception all over the place...some people loved it, others hated it...I loved it...beautiful love story...the importance of being with the one you love over everything else (especially your job)...amazing film...gorgeous special effects, wonderful themes...the ending was a bit
2001-ish for me, and critics have complained, too...the first 90% if the film are marvelous...
All-Star Superman - kinda weird volume here...reworked version of the standard Superman storyline...a bit of an
Ultimate line
for DC but not interconnected like Marvel's real one...lots of
steampunk version of Superman crossed with the old-school, imaginary stories (Jimmy Olson and Lois both get temporary super powers in the half dozen issues collected here...neat stuff to read, though...artwork left me cold - nothing special at all...neat stories...worth checking out and seeing if you wanna go with the
new version of old school superman...
Ultimate Fantastic Four - God War - generally like the Ultimate FF, but didn't feel anything for
this volume....introduced
Ultimate Thanos...weird stuff about people from another universe far more advanced than the Ultimate one...but, of course, Reed saves that day...'cause he's the smartest guy in like all the universes or dimensions or whatever the storyline needs him to be...art's still good, series is still rolling along, but this volume just didn't do it for me...
Ultimate X-Men - Cable - the Ultimate universe continues to drag in more and more characters...here we get Cable - dragging back from the future to do something about changing the way things turn out...it's a revolutionary storyline...never been done before... now there is a big deal 'bout killing a major character (not that I'll say
who dies - or whether he really dies or not)...interesting read with Cable having pretty clear plans but not clear reasons...solid
storyline..continuing good stuff from Ultimate...
I like almost all of the Ultimate stuff I have read (mostly Spiderman and Fantastic Four). I have not read any of the Ultimate X-Men though. I guess I'll have to move that up my list.
I thought the God of War volume was a little off too. The main characters are captured very well. Its the supporting cast the makes this not as good as the other volumes. There are so many new characters that it gets to be a little confusing. There are some pretty cool powers though.
For the most part, I really like just about all of the Ultimate stuff that I've read. The Ultimates was excellent, as was Ultimate Iron Man.
Your point about the supporting characters in God War is really spot on now that you mention it. The main characters were still solid and as interesting as they had been, but the supporters were so outlandish and hard to follow (electronic beings that were various dimensions more advanced than us), and that made a lot of the difference for me.
BTW thanks for the review on the fountain...one bad review made me drop it as a priority and then accidentally forget it. Picking it back up tnow though...Korea better come through:-)
I did really love The Fountain and desperately wish I could've seen it in the theater, but the initial poor reviews kept me from dropping my $9 there. Instead, I waited 'til a free rental from the local video store.
Well worth it...marvelous love story, brought me to (admitting unmanliness here) tears in the end.
The absolute ending, however, was a bit weird for me, as it went right into 2001 territory.
Good luck. Hope it doesn't disappoint.
hey how do I make pics bigger without distorting them???
thanks bro
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