September 30, 2007

Like throwing hamsters all over again

Thanks to WeAreGame for pointing out the masterful little hurling game called Throw Me.

My high score (longest distance) can be seen above and is 115499 ft.

Top that, punks.

Here are a few hints that I found
  • hit the clouds...normal clouds give you a small up right breeze, keeping you moving longer
  • really hit the already glowing clouds at about 1000 ft high...they relaunch you
  • hit the swinging demolition balls on the cranes near the ground...they relaunch you
  • hit the space bar to glide a little longer by putting your balloons out
  • your stamina measures how long you can use the balloons but doesn't ever seem to recharge like it did on the hamster game
  • there seems to be no reason to submit your high score as it doesn't seem to actually do anything or provide a list of high scores...I've no clue where I rank on this game other than that I'm better than goes without saying, really...why bother to even try, because I'm better - punks...
Who's up for a challenge?


joey said...

allll i wanted to do was have a nice productive sunday. BUT NO.

i was at 47,000-somethin once. honestly i didn't even really remember the score since i still have a ways to go

DanEcht said...

Distance: 44160
Height: 5768

DanEcht said...

Distance: 82546
Height: 8027

DanEcht said...

And now practice makes perfect...or at least lucky...

Distance: 140021
Height: 8947

joey said...

good thing i have a hairy little chin

Kyle said...

Distance: 174699
Height: 5254

In a separate game I got to a height over 9000 but I didn't write down the score. I wish the game would keep track of your personal record for each.